Hello Beautiful Soul Spirit!

Welcome, I am so honored you are here!

Come journey —the mystical portals—of Oracular art and the energy of the Moon’s cycles connecting with the essence of your unique soul.

Each New Moon, we journey to consciously engage with these energies activating the remembrance of our soul's blueprint, dreams and desires.

This is a place to be inspired, renewed, and held in the sacred embrace of sisterhood sharing a love of and for the Luna energies connecting with them through the oracles. 

Collaborating with your Soul's Essence

Journey with the Oracle is a safe, supportive online community where we cultivate, evolve and deepen our relationship with our soul's essence ~ the most important relationship we will ever have ~ Holding each other in higher consciousness, as we remember our connection with the cosmic collaborators and the all of everything.

Reclaiming the feminine soul codes that have all but been extinguished by the narrative of dominator culture of the last 4000+ years. Fear and chaos preside, making the conditions difficult to listen to our inner knowing. 

It is in quiet moments, before drifting off to sleep, connecting to nature or when we journey with the oracle, we feel the whispers and cries of our ancestors, encouraging us to remember our true essence and reclaim our relationship with spirit—to remember the song of our soul. 

When we embrace these whispers and reconnect with our soul, we feel held in an abundance of love, knowing that we are worthy of our dreams and desires. 

In Journey With the Oracle, we embrace our unique wild genius and soul essence

Through the portals of the oracles and the moon, you’ll access the inner spaciousness of your intuition, hear, feel, and remember your soul’s unique language … its unique song. 

. . . Being in community, you’ll create soul connections with soul sisters. 

Deepening with the oracle's and moon, you'll: 

  • Connect & Deepen your relationship with your own soul's language 
  • Collaborate with our Cosmic Allies
  • Reconnect with the rhythms and cycles of the Moon
  • Receive messages from your intuition
  • Connect with like-hearted, like-minded sisters
  • Align with your soul's purpose, who you came here to be
  • Empower and Embrace your unique wild genius


“KarenElizabeth has developed a practice that is exciting to someone like me who is always looking for something that will challenge me out of my normal way of thinking” ~ Erin 

Embrace your Wild Genius

Journey with the Lunar & Cosmic Allies

Every Moonth, I love sharing my soul's calling and deep passion for and of Astrology, channeling the energies of our cosmic allies through the intuitively selected oracles, journeying the zodiac mandala as we spiral the Lunar cycles.

Creating and evolving our relationship with ourselves through the remembrance of our connection to and with the cosmic collaborators.


Dismantling and Deconstructing the old stories we've been taught.

Dissolving conditioned beliefs.

Reclaiming and empowering our inner self authority.

The Oracles

Each intuitively chosen Oracle holds the energetics of that New Moon cycle.

A print of the Oracle will be mailed to you!

Channeling & Amplifying the new moon’s energies, the Oracle takes us on a guided journey with the Moon & other Cosmic Allies. 

In the Dark Phase of the Moon, you can gather live, with KarenElizabeth and other sister soul's on Zoom to journey through the portals into the heart of the oracle receiving oracular messages guiding your soul as you journey the Moon Cycle. 

Creating from the realm of infinite potential within you

I See You

"I See You"© KarenBalonArt


Currently JWTO is by Invitation Only

Currently JWTO is by Invitation Only

Energetic Option One


per month

You'll Receive Instant Access to the Journey with the Oracle's Inner Realm

(cancel anytime)

Energetic Option two


per month

You'll Receive Instant Access to the Journey with the Oracle's Inner Realm

(cancel anytime)

Annual Option



You'll Receive Instant Access to the Journey with the Oracle's Inner Realm

Each New Moon, You’ll Receive: 

  • Oracle Art Print ~ a portal to your soul and cosmic consciousness, created by KarenElizabeth  mailed to you! ~ As we cycle with the Moon, Creating your very own Journey with the Oracle oracle deck 
  • Live New Moon Group Journey on Zoom ~ consciously co-create, through collaborative journeying with like-minded sacred feminine's in supportive community 
  • Moon Astrology & Aspects ~ astrological wisdom & guidance from our Cosmic Allies
  • Recorded Guided Journey/Meditation ~ a channeled guided journey, taking you on a potent and powerful journey with that oracle; Both Video (in Vimeo) & Audio (on Soundcloud) options are available, listen any time 
  • Journal Reflections ~ journey deeper with your soul ~ sent in the Weekly Wisdom Email and in our daily Telegram Community
  • Weekly Wisdom Email~ weekly Oracle Wisdom & Astrological Guidance sent every Sunday morning (eastern USA time)
  • Spotify Playlists ~ for each oracle ~ embody the energy of the Oracle and Moon's themes
  • Community ~ connect with like-hearted, like-minded sister souls in our private JWTO~Inner Realm group on Telegram
  • Daily Lunar and Cosmic energies ~  perfect byte size daily dose in the Free Journey with the Oracle public group on Telegram

Journey with your Soul Essence & Cosmic Allies when it's convenient for you.

Orion's Nebula

Orion's Nebula©KarenBalonArt

This is for You if You Love ❤️. . .

💫 Oracle art, cards, decks 

💫 Connecting with the energies of the New 🌑 and Full 🌕 moons 

💫 Feminine Intuitive approach to our Astrological Allies

. . . And you’re called to:

💫 Spark your unique creative genius 

💫 Open your intuitive channel with your guides & cosmic consciousness

💫 Deepen your relationship with your soul purpose

💫 Connect intimately with our cosmic allies

💫 Supercharge your moon 🌗 moonifesting practice

🌟 Each New Moon in the Journey with the Oracle, You’ll Receive:  

🌒 Live Oracle Journey & New Moon Temple on Zoom

(to allow for sacred space these are not recorded)

🌒 Spotify Oracle Playlist

🌒  Weekly Oracle, Moon & Astrology Wisdom with Journal Reflections 

(delivered to your inbox every Sunday)

🌒 Guided Oracle Journey (22+ mins) 

🌒 Community on Telegram 


🌑 Original Oracle Art print mailed to you, each New Moon 

Currently Journey with the Oracle is by Invitation Only

Energetic Option One


per month

You'll Receive Instant Access to Journey with the Oracle Inner Realm

(cancel anytime)

Energetic Option Two


per month

You'll Receive Instant Access to Journey with the Oracle Inner Realm

(cancel anytime)

1 Month Free



You'll Receive Instant Access to Journey with the Oracle Inner Realm

"KarenElizabeth's Oracle art is filled with cosmic and super sonic codes that will expedite your transformational journey! Each line and stroke are filled with powerful and transcendent transmissions. I highly recommend journeying with her potent and passion filled Oracle Art! ~ LLD

Meet KarenElizabeth 🔥🌓💃,

Creatrix & Radical Rebel Luna Oracle & Artist   

Certified Moonologer & Student of Astrology 

Sun ♈️ Moon ♉️ AC ♐️ Venus ♒️

I’m so excited to welcome you to the Journey with the Oracle Inner Realm and Community

It is my joy, honor and privilege to hold sacred space with you as we explore new ways to consciously co-create, through collaborative journeying with the Oracles, our Cosmic Allies and like-minded soul sisters in community

I've been blessed with the gift to receive visions of the paintings that I intuitively create. When I personally connect into Mama Earth, Luna, and Cosmic Consciousness, the images come through marinating over time, eventually emerging into paintings.

Each original Oracle artwork starts with a vision and is infused with high vibrational energy, sacred symbols, and words of intention for the highest good of all. After, it is anointed with holy oils.

I create the paintings with powerful, transcendent transmissions from the Divine Feminine, Womb Wisdom, Cosmic and Goddess codes. 

These become direct messages—a soul language—that your essence understands, guiding you each month.  

My intention is that as you connect with the sacred art and its oracular cosmic messages, you’re able to stand more authentically in your divine feminine essence and find the courage to share your unique wild genius out into the world. 

Peace & Love ~ Howls & Hugs,

KarenElizabeth 🔥🌓💃


  • Fire Moon Goddess

    “Journeying with KarenElizabeth's Oracle art is powerful and when the experience is steeped in information about the moon there is an explosion of medicine being offered.  ”

  • Fire Moon Goddess

    “There’s magic in Fire Moon Goddesses paintings. ~
    Each painting holds personal messages just for you ~”

Calliope 2 1

Calliope© KarenBalonArt

Summary of Your Moonthly Oracular Guidance 

Every month, you’ll be supported with oracular guidance provided to you via:

  • Original Artwork—plus the specific messages, symbols, and codes embedded within it (print mailed to your home)
  • Astrological Moon Guidance—highlighting each month’s energies & providing inspiration to work with its elements  (KarenElizabeth is a certified Moonologer)
  •  Weekly Wisdom — oracle & astrological guidance & wisdom sent every Sunday morning  

Have Questions?

If you need help or have any questions, email me karen@firemoongoddess.studio