
When I thought about duality and how it reflects our inner spirit - the shadow vase sees itself as distorted and misaligned, when in actuality, it is whole and perfect.  In a way it reminds me that the vase at first glance is straight, full, incandescent - our reflection of self to the world; while we distort our own selves via skewed inner thoughts. The truth is, we are what we want ourselves to be - we can feed the distortion or we can feed the actuality.  For me, I need to remember that although I need to be serious for work, I need to embrace my own playfulness and remind myself that I am both - playful and serious.  Reminder - be kind to yourself today and embrace who you are.   

1 comment

Yes to playful and serious! This and that make up the whole and being perfectly imperfect! I love that Duality shares the message of wholeness. 

Thank you so much for your share and Love the reminder to be kind to ourselves and embrace who we are! ❤️💞

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