
Pythia is coming to me in "She is..."

I am aware that the she is likely me, but that's how I'm receiving the messages.

She is lonely. But, she is not scared. She is strong and she is looking into the distance, looking into the future I would presume. She is mischievous. She is determined.

That's all that's coming.

I also have perceived that I am closed off in the past few days. The time change has shifted my energy, I am so tired. I am so thankful that I have so much support in my life, but I am also being asked to do a lot by a lot of people, I am drained. I am noticing it in my journaling and meditations. I am closed off, but working hard to stay as open as I can. I will keep sitting with her. I also know that when I open up, it is painful and I think I am protecting myself for whatever reason right now.

For what it's worth, I have the print and I found more came when I used the physical print.


Dear Beautiful Soul Ali, thank you for your Brave and Vulnerable share. It is my belief that we journey we are connecting to our inner self. In that sense She is likely you. 

I hear you on the time change. I know it can be very painful to feel. I journeyed for days with Pythia being silent as I kept asking Her "what am I not seeing?" It was only when I was READY to feel the messaged started to come through. I know for me, even when no messages come, I still feel the benefit from the High Vibrational frequencies.

Witnessing you, supporting you and holding you. Send you so much peace ☮️ and love ❤️  

Thank for also sharing that you are journeying with the art print card option

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Karen, I have a friend who does not have any computer experience or any phone at all. She does not want any kind of new anything. She is in her 70,s, she is not wanting it at all BUT she was sad over the weekend she was having
Serious depression so I read her the info about
Pythia and the readings you sent me. She really liked it and opened up a bit, she liked the glass full of water. I know she liked it and felt better.
I am not sure how to handle this other than what I did.
Love you dearly and love what you are doing and I love the cards you send me. Jeanne

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Dear Jeanne, So glad you are there for your friend in need. So many of us are struggling with anxiety and depression. I am so honored that you thought of sharing Pythia with her. Love you dearly as well. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. ❤️ 

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Karen Elizabeth, you did a wonderful job moderating and facilitating.I would love to walk with you sometime!While it is fresh in my mind :When you reminded us of energies to focus on with Hera… I was taking notes. Don’t be afraid to breathe. You are surrounded by folks who embrace that which you are… You can toss those nerves to the side.The time of the journeying felt right. I’d worry if you lost folks if it was too long.I almost think once you get in a cadence, 1 hour may be enough. I am saying all of this through encouragement. I loved the candle intention and the reminder to make it become a ritual. You are amazing. Thank you for doing this. So much love to you!!!Maureen

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Thank you Maureen for all of your encouragement and support! Yes to all that you shared! Love the feedback. My goals is for the sanctuary and our gatherings to be a loving supportive space for everyone and I am always open to suggestions. I've already had downloads on improvements and tweaks for our next new moon gathering on May 10th! So much love right back to you. ❤️KarenElizabeth 

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